Statement On Oral Arguments In Supreme Court Cases For Marriage Equality


By: Sam Farr
By: Sam Farr
Date: April 28, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Sam Farr, D- Calif., released the following statement on the oral arguments before the Supreme Court in marriage equality cases from Ohio, Tennessee, Michigan, and Kentucky:

"Love is love. Sometimes the simplest message makes the most powerful statement. A person's civil rights should not be denied because of who they are or because of who they love. Equal justice under is the law is the foundation of this great country and denying anyone the freedom to marry weakens that foundation.

"Marriage equality allies from all over the country gathered on the Supreme Court steps today to show their support for LGBT rights. The majority of Americans believe same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. Hopefully, the Supreme Court will also be on the right side of history and affirm that all Americans should have the freedom to marry the person they love."
